Additional Resources

Below are links containing materials useful in developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for your lab.  Also, requirements for training, handling chemicals, personal protective equipment (PPE), etc...

Clicking on a link will open a new tab.

  • Lab Safety Plan Toolkit          
    Designed to help PIs and supervisors identify what is needed for their lab specific policies. 

  • Document Library
    Fact Sheets, Guidance Documents, etc...

  • Lab Safety Resources            
    Additional materials for developing policies for lab safety.  Includes inspection checklist, signage for the lab, etc...

  • Safety Data Sheets            
    Keep a collection of these Data Sheets that correspond to your current chemical inventory.

  • Chemical Hygiene Plan         
    More information on developing SOPs, using PPEs, chemical handling, etc...

  • Regulated Waste Guide       
    Instructions for storing and disposing of chemical waste.

  • Food and Drink Policy    
    Remember, no food or drink allowed in the research lab, regardless of the amount of chemicals present.

Below is a description of other records that you may be required to keep on file, including the duration of time they need to be kept (if applicable). You are not required to keep the documentation in your LSP, but the records must be readily accessible by all lab staff.

Eyewash Fact Sheet (records must be kept for one year)
Autoclave Testing Log (records must be displayed in the autoclave room or available upon request during inspection)
Lab-Specific Training (documentation must be kept for 5 years)
Lab Self Inspection Form (documentation is optional)
Lab Inspection Records – Found in the Chematix System (documentation is optional)